The Reality of Time
Come join us for this special weekly course
Monday evenings, starting June 3, 2019
at 8:30 pm ET, 7:30 pm CT
We are pleased to announce that we are going to begin a comprehensive study and experiential learning group based on Janet Sussman's work, The Reality of Time, beginning Monday night, June 3, 2019. The group will be conducted every Monday night, other than when she is traveling, in 15-week blocks and continue through May of 2020.
The specifics of how consciousness interfaces with the temporal mechanics of our reality is vitally important. As we go through our own maturation process, we have questions as to what is real, what is important, and what will greet us as we move forward in our process outside of our present personality and the formation of our circumstances. Understanding the nature of our wider significance as souls and how we might contribute and fashion the evolution of our deepest identity continues to remain a quest for all of us. This course will attempt to address those concerns.
For those who have attended previous classes with Janet throughout the years, you will find the approach to the Reality of Time Study Group to be intellectually stimulating. The information offered in the study session will require a bit of reading and analysis out of class, which will then be covered in a lecture format as well as question and answers throughout the evening. Some class meetings will be set aside for purely experiential work.
This class will be held in person from Janet's home in Fairfield, iowa, and simultaneously made available on Zoom. Thus those who are out of town will be able to take part. Some exciting new information and understanding should be evoked by this format and Janet will be able to cover the information in detail in a way that she has never been able to do before.
Please let us know of your interest in this study group. The fee will be $125 per 15-class bloc. Pay via Paypal or Credit Card at the link below or by check to Time Portal Publications, PO Box 2002, Fairfield, IA 52556. Participants can attend live or via teleconference and also receive a recording of each class course through mp3 files emailed each week.
For further information contact Janet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 641-233-8905